Open Overall Division:
All teams will compete one round of Freestyle and one round of Toss & Catch.
These two scores will be added together and the field will be cut to the top 10 teams AFTER any ties have been broken.
(Second-round cuts are made at the discretion of the Tournament Director and may be greater than 10 if time and other considerations permit.)
These 10 teams from AWI Open Overall Division will then run one more round of Freestyle.
The open qualifiers may run differently with only one round of freestyle and one round of Toss & Catch, depending on time constraints and number of volunteers.
These changes can be made at the discretion of the hosting club, head judge, and/or tournament director, but will be announced before the event when possible, but can also be announced before a divisional round starts, if dangerous weather arrives.
Open Freestyle Devision:
All teams will compete one round of Freestyle and the field will be cut to the top 10 teams AFTER any ties have been broken.
(Second-round cuts are made at the discretion of the Tournament Director and may be greater than 10 if time and other considerations permit.)
These 10 teams from AWI Open Freestyle Division will then run one more round of Freestyle.
Open T/C Division:
All teams will compete one round of T/C and the field will be cut to the top 10 teams AFTER any ties have been broken.
(Second-round cuts are made at the discretion of the Tournament Director and may be greater than 10 if time and other considerations permit.)
These 10 teams from AWI OpenT&C Division will then run one more round of T&C.